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Registered: 29-07-2021
Messages: 17
Evaluation : 0
26-09-2022 18:59
Core Nutritional Hair, Skin & Nails is the sixth supplement added to the Core Lifeline series, with five capsules that help users maintain their beauty. In October 2021, Core Nutritionals launched the Core Lifeline series, which began with five powerful health supplements highlighted by Core Gut and Core Soothe

Registered: 26-09-2022
Messages: 1
Evaluation : 0
26-09-2022 19:14
Can I take these supplements with other pills? I have weak kidneys, so from time to time, I go through phytotherapy and kidney medications that have a diuretic effect. If I have a diuretic in my system, can that take out the effectiveness of your hair and nail growth supplements? By the way, how effective is this medication? I want to grow my hair long up to my waist. I have thick black hair, but it grows too slowly. So I want to speed up their growth, but could it affect hair growth in other body areas? Once every two months, I come in for a laser hair removal ealing [beaulaser.co.uk]session, making me forget about such a problem as the hair on my arms and legs.
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