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Registered: 14-04-2008
Messages: 1
Evaluation : 0
14-04-2008 18:15
Greetings to all,
First of all I need the usb connecting cord for my phone and laptop. Secondly i want to use my K600i as a modem for my internet connection with my laptop can anyone show me how to configure it.
My K600i has infrared for which i am able to send and received pics but i cannot use with laptop for internet connection through the infrared :-).
Any expert out there to help!!!!!.
where can i get the usb connection cord for K600i to laptop.

Registered: 17-12-2007
Messages: 8
Evaluation : 7
16-04-2008 16:02
(1 user)
Yo, you should connect to your laptop via bluetooth, once you make a connection it should automatically ask if you want to use your phone as a modem, otherwise, go here and download software: http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/support/products/k600i
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