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Registered: 04-07-2018
Messages: 248
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12-07-2019 04:25
Q: Yesterday, I accidentally deleted the schedule for next week when I checked the reminder on my iPhone XS. Is there any possibility to recover deleted reminders for iPhone? —— Fiona

Most of us enjoy using iPhone Reminder app to track important work schedules or life events. But what happens when you lose reminder after a software update, accidental deletion, malware attacks, or an unsuccessful deletion?
The traditional way to retrieve deleted iPhone reminders is restoring from iTunes or iCloud backup, which means all iPhone data will be replaced by the contents in the backup. That’s not recommended if you just want to restore one or two reminders. Here, we would like to show you how to selectively recover deleted iPhone reminders without restoring.
https://www.panfone.com/data-recovery/recover-deleted-reminder-on-iphone.html [panfone.com]

Registered: 17-12-2018
Messages: 108
Evaluation : 0
12-07-2019 04:43
There is an article that introduce the detailed mehtod to recover reminders from iphone without backup,you could follow this method to recover your reminder [mobikin.com] easily.
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