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ZTE to enter the mobile phone market with Window 7 and Android handsets V.J. | , 8:09 matin mai 11, 2010 2010-05-11

ZTE, a Chinese handset manufacturer, plans to enter the mobile phone market. The company has great ambitions saying that it could become the third mobile phone maker by shipment volumes within the next four years. If so, the company will join Nokia and Samsung in the leadership and rise above LG Electronics.

ZTE announced plans for its first step into the market. The company said it will launch a number of handsets that will run on Google’s Android and Windows Phone 7 operating systems. In addition, the company has plans for Windows Mobile phones as well.

According to Softpedia, the company “aims at shipping a number of 80 million devices in 2010, including phones and data cards”. ZTE also said that it could provide in the future about 100 million phones and data cards next year and that “it aims at bringing LG down by 2015”.

Zhang Xiaohon, vice president of ZTE Corporation, said that the company will continue to release handsets under various carriers. “We will continue to release devices under operator-brands in Europe, and will increase the number of products on which we share some branding. Own-branded devices will come further down the line.”

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