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Phones.com » News » Vodafone targets HR ...

Vodafone targets HR department V.J. | , 11:01 matin août 9, 2009 2009-08-09

Vodafone in Ghana is going to target its Human Resources Department as one of the sections that will most probably suffer mass compulsory redundancy.

According to GNA, all staff members across Accra were invited to a meeting with management where they took a test to determine who stays and who goes. In addition, “the staff of the department also told GNA that they were made to swear not to disclose that they took a test.”

Emmanuel Dakwa, Local Union Chairman of Vodafone said: "I was told that the staff members of the HR department were being compelled to take some online assessment and they were given a deadline to complete and submit the test or count themselves automatically redundant."

He also said that at the moment he does not know how many actually took the test and what the purpose of it was.

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