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TOPEX announces new features for its products Smita | , 3:38 après-midi sep. 15, 2009 2009-09-15

The new version of Analog GSM Gateway - Mobilink GSM, contains one FXO interface capable to offer Least Cost Routing service for this equipment. In this way, a call from PBX is routed depending on its destination number. If the destination is a PSTN number, the call will be sent through the FXO interface and if the call has cellular number destination, it will be routed through the GSM module.
The Least Cost Routing service is an ideal solution for cost reduction generated by the use of both PSTN and GSM trunks. With this new feature, TOPEX offers a solution to do least cost routing to mobile networks and PSTN. All calls to mobile 2G-GSM network are routed via TOPEX Mobilink to mobile networks directly and not routed via PSTN interface. Also for the PSTN connection through analogue trunks you don't need to upgrade your company PBX with FXO trunks. This functionality will be accomplished by TOPEX Mobilink through its own FXO interface.
The telephone bills will decrease dramatically. Also the company can negotiate for group tariffs and place group SIMs inside TOPEX Mobilink so that all calls within the PBX to mobile phones of the employees are billed as group calls becoming very low cost calls.
Regarding the 3G Router - TOPEX Bytton, TOPEX enhanced the equipment functionalities by upgrading the number of IP Sec tunnels. In this way, the VPN capacity is enlarged up to 200 IP Sec tunnels. Another advantage of this new feature is that the equipment allows the automatic recovery to another IP Sec tunnel in case that one IP Sec distant termination fails.

The second feature implemented on this equipment is the GRE Keepalive mechanism. GRE tunnels represent virtual interfaces that allow network traffic transmission using IP tunnels, operating as virtual point to point links. Because of the virtual character of the interfaces, any connectivity issues at the physical level can not be signaled to allow traffic routing on a different path to the destination.

GRE Keepalive mechanism consists in the bidirectional transmission of control messages by the 2 devices at the ends of the tunnel. If one of the 2 devices stops to receive these messages, it will know how to signal to routing protocols that GRE tunnel route has become unavailable. Thus the routing protocol will seek another route to the destination providing rapid convergence of traffic that must pass through the 2 devices. This is a very important feature especially in projects where Bytton router is connected to other routers or similar network equipments that support GRE Keepalive mechanism.

"We are continually evolving the components of our Analog GSM Gateway and 3G Router products in line with our customers' requirements," said Mr. Constantin Dumitrescu, Sales and Marketing Director at TOPEX. "These equipment are friendly to use, easy to maintain and also assure cost reduction and these latest features have been developed to consolidate our position as important supplier of advanced telecommunication products on the telecom market.", added Mr. Dumitrescu.

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