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Phones.com » News » Sprint facing shortages ...

Sprint facing shortages of Evo 4G Saveri Dhekney | , 10:16 matin juil. 12, 2010 2010-07-12

Those intending to buy the Sprint-HTC Evo 4G, chances are you won't, for there aren't any left.

Sprint is United States's only carrier using the Clearwire (CLWR) WiMax wireless network that offers data and video speed faster than any other connectivity option. The Wi-Fi technology is Evo 4G's strongest selling point and is way ahead of its rival carrier Verizon's (VZ, VOD) and AT&T (T) .

However, if things continue at this slow pace with shortages of device, then Sprint are in for big trouble as other carriers are looking to launch their own 4G networks.

"We thought we would have more of a head start than we'll end up having," Mr. Hesse told The Wall Street Journal last week.

Although consumer demand for Sprint's Evo 4G has been strong with 300,000 devices sold untill now, device manufacturer HTC hasn't been able to keep up with the sales.

Here's what Sprint has to say about the Evo 4G on their official site.

Sorry, this device is so hot we can’t keep it on our virtual shelves.

Check back later – more are on their way!

For more detailed information about HTC Evo 4G

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