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Phones.com » News » Sony Ericsson Interested ...

Sony Ericsson Interested in Android V.J. | , 3:52 après-midi sep. 25, 2008 2008-09-25


The new Google forged mobile phone operating system seems to agitate in a small proportion the mobile telecommunication business. Their latest release, Android is currently exclusive for T-Mobile’s G1 handset but other companies, like Sony Ericsson, begin to have an interest for the software.


Recently, the president of SE said during a press conference that his company is interested in the platform and urges his company to ‘look at this application’. However, Dick Komiyama, President of Sony Ericsson, said that at the moment they cannot launch an Android powered mobile phone.


Google Android is currently active on a single mobile phone model made by HTC and designed by Google itself, as new reports say. The HTC handset is distributed by the mobile phone operator T-Mobile in the US.


Despite its exclusiveness to T-Mobile, the software will, however, begin to power other handsets in the future. Other mobile phones from competing companies will be based on the Android platform, as a T-Mobile spokesman told Register Hardware.

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