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Phones.com » News » Rumor: Windows Mobile ...

Rumor: Windows Mobile 7 V.J. | , 10:16 après-midi sep. 21, 2008 2008-09-21


The internet is sometimes a reliable source when it comes to mobile phones. Often we see pictures of phones months before they are even announced. Yet, it might be that the Internet is not every-time-right.


Leaks of mobile phone information are usual and probably the manufacturers let the loose because it will warm the market for the upcoming release. However, things change when we talk about mobile software.


Anyway, a new rumor is spreading saying that Microsoft will release a new mobile operating system, Windows Mobile 7. This might be true in some extent, but the 6.1 version isn’t even a year old and as we know Microsoft, they like to take time in forging software. Besides, the 6.1 version is doing incredibly well, keeping in mind the open source competition it receives.


It might be possible, however, that the new version is being forged but to say that it will be launched soon is entirely premature. Perhaps a beta version.

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