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Nokia sues Apple again for patent infringement V.J. | , 7:53 matin mai 10, 2010 2010-05-10

Nokia announced that it has filed a complaint against Apple with the Federal District Court in the Western District of Wisconsin. Nokia is accusing that Apple’s iPhone and iPad products infringe five important Nokia patents.

According to Nokia, the infringement involves techniques for data positioning in apps as well as antenna setups used to conserve space in smartphones, allowing for smaller and more compact handsets.

The two companies have a history of legal battles. In 2007, after Apple started to sell the iPhone, licensing talks have started with Nokia. In the next year, Nokia asked Apple to pick patents it wants to use as part of the settlement and Apple refuses. In return, in May 2009, Nokia demands royalties three times higher than in 2008 and demands to pick some Apple patents.

Apple would not agree to the settlement, forcing Nokia to take the matter to the court. In Octomber 22, last year, Nokia filed a suit in the District Court of Delaware saying that Apple hand infringed its patetns. Apple, on its part, was accusing Nokia of anti-competitive practices and patent breach. Following the suit, Nokia has filled a complaint with the U.S. trade body ITC in an attempt to have Apple iPhones banned from importing into the United States.

Now Nokia has filed a new complaint the in the Federal District Court in the Western District of Wisconsin, accusing that Apple’s iPhone and iPad 3G products infringe five important Nokia patents.

The legal battle continues and in Octomber follows the ITC hearing over Nokia’s use of Apple patents and in November, the ITC hearing over Apple’s use of Nokia patents.

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