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Nokia and Capcom to release new Resident Evil game V.J. | , 7:06 après-midi sep. 18, 2008 2008-09-18


Nokia and Capcom have recently announced that a new Resident Evil game is underway. Resident Evil Degeneration will be released on N-Gage later this year and will have a gameplay optimized for N-Gage.


The N-Gage optimization will feature two separate play modes, plus a multiple mission type and 3D graphics. Resident Evil is a game with a tremendous success and three movies have been based on the fabulous horror game.

The game will be released at the end of this year and it is partly based on the upcoming October theatrical release in Japan of the full-length CG motion picture of the same name.


The plot is extremely interesting but follows the traditional Resident Evil lines. Clair Redfield and Leon Kennedy, the main characters from the previous games will try to destroy a virus that was released by a group of terrorists in the US.


Anyway, the games sounds promising and it should be owned by every Resident Evil fan.

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