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Phones.com » News » Mozilla Firefox Mobile ...

Mozilla Firefox Mobile out in 2010 V.J. | , 10:27 après-midi sep. 21, 2008 2008-09-21


Mozilla Firefox web browser has made a clear impact in the web surfing business since it has arrived. Even more they changed user’s web browsing experience. Now, they want more, the Firefox Mobile will be out in 2010.


We might ask ourselves why 2010? The answer probably will remain unknown until Mozilla decides to reveal information on this matter. Perhaps, one reason is that now they need to focus on the PC web browser software as Google seems now to have turned from friend to competitor.


Additionally, there are a number of mobile browsers that are simply great, if they want to have any chance in this business, thus they must come with something revolutionary.


The main reason may be the last hypothesis. They surely have to work hard on their mobile software or else they risk putting effort in something that won’t bring them any profit.


Anyway, expect Mozilla Firefox Mobile in 2010!

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