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ellesys launches iMobile for Business V.J. | , 3:14 après-midi août 8, 2009 2009-08-08

TeleWare, the leading provider of intelligent communication solutions to businesses, today announced the launch by TeleWare accredited partner ellesys of their new website www.imobileforbusiness.com. The site is dedicated to services and mobile applications for the mobile workforce. iMobile for Business provides services for a mobile worker to manage their business whilst on-the-move without incurring huge costs. The services are supported by TeleWare’s latest mobile phone application, intelligent Mobile, which enables call cost savings on calls made in the UK to non-geographic and international numbers.

Savings of up to 75% can be generated using TeleWare’s automated low cost routing technology. This intelligently intercepts voice calls made to non-geographical or designated international number prefixes and routes them over the more cost effective route normally used by fixed line phone calls. The application seamlessly integrates with the user’s mobile – with no change required in user behaviour and no user training required. Once installed, you will automatically be making 0800, 0900 and international calls at our competitive tariffs.

intelligent Mobile can also provide the mobile phone user with desk phone features that would, typically, only be found on a business-class telephone extension. Functionality allowing the user to transfer or hold calls, conference in other callers and record calls is now available from a simple menu integrated into the mobile.

The ability to conference in multiple users from the mobile is both simple to use and fully integrated into the service. This enables instant conferencing without the need to pre-book. The conferencing option provides a cost effective solution compared with typical bureau services as there is no set-up charge for each conference and no premium per minute charges for connected parties. “Organisations today are facing cut backs and managers are being targeted with finding more efficient ways of working to reduce costs in the business. iMobile for Business provides clear cost savings and provides the opportunity for the mobile workforce to be an integrated part of a company’s communications infrastructure,” explained Natasha Davies, Managing Director of ellesys.

Implementing iMobile for Business services provides the business with cost savings as well as delivering greater control of voice features to your mobile staff and improving work efficiency.

“According to Workforce Mobility Profile (CMA 2008), 70% of workers have roles which combine the functionality of the desk phone with the mobile experience. This solution addresses the needs of users within these business areas without requiring any capital purchase or infrastructure change,” noted Lesley Hansen, Group Marketing Director for TeleWare Plc. ”The immediate availability of presence software delivers the ability for people using CISCO call manager to receive presence information from another third party SIP device,” added Hansen.

“TeleWare has always been an enabler of value-added functionality and capabilities on third party PBXs, in particular, features to add value for mobile users,” explained Steve Haworth, CEO of TeleWare Plc. “ This latest development takes presence applications into the multi vendor arena delivering the same presence capabilities for all users whatever their PBX,” he added.

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