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Bert Nordberg is the new president of Sony Ericsson V.J. | , 5:38 après-midi août 18, 2009 2009-08-18

Sony Ericsson has announced that Bert Nordberg, current executive vice president of the Ericsson Group and head of Ericsson Silicon Valley will lead Sony Ericsson starting September 1. He will join the company as co-president.

Nordberg will be based in London at Sony Ericsson’s global headquarters and is replacing Dick Komiyama as the president.

Carl-Henric Svanberg, president and CEO of Ericsson, said: "Bert Nordberg has a strong track-record in the area of business realignment and was instrumental in the transformation of Ericsson in the years 2002 – 2003. I am confident he will be able to build upon the foundation Dick has created and lead the final stages of Sony Ericsson’s transformation.”

Bert Nordberg said, “With the growing importance of open source platforms, applications and content in the mobile handset industry, I believe the experiences I have gained in Silicon Valley will be very relevant to Sony Ericsson’s business going forward. I look forward to working with Dick Komiyama in the transition phase and getting to know the rest of the Sony Ericsson management team.”

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