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Registered: 19-07-2021
Messages: 27
Evaluation : 0
05-08-2021 22:26
The artist William Utermohlen drew several self portraits over the years, while he had dementia.
He died in 2007.

Registered: 06-08-2021
Messages: 48
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06-08-2021 00:10
Mind may be the only means by which matter can experience beauty and delight. It can also be just as terrifying.

Registered: 05-10-2020
Messages: 192
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06-08-2021 00:22
So, the first photo is of him in his youth? Then he drew one a year after his diagnosis, until 2001, when his condition did not allow him to draw?
Did he deliberately make the photos more blurry to represent his failed " loss of identity”, or was it due to a decrease in skills, if you can call it that? Couldn't he draw for the last 7 years of his life?
Interesting, I think, but I need more information, damn it!

Registered: 06-08-2021
Messages: 9
Evaluation : 0
06-08-2021 00:27
It's incredible how much dementia affects the state of our brains. My father had dementia, and I have seen with my own eyes how a person changes over the years, how he becomes. It's a terrifying sight when you realize that this is happening to your loved one. It got to the point where he couldn't go to the bathroom or take a shower by himself, let alone go to the store to get groceries. I had to hire a nurse to take care of him since I often travel on business trips. I contacted this company https://www.assistinghands.com/9/ohio/cincinnati/home-care-blog/ [assistinghands.com]. I was satisfied with the caregiver; she was an excellent professional. Dementia is a terrifying disease because it makes you lose yourself. I wouldn't wish this fate to anyone; take care of your loved ones.
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