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Registered: 26-07-2020
Messages: 56
Evaluation : 4
14-12-2020 02:20
Please let us know.
I think it depends on the owner if you decide to use it or not! A friend of mine used CBD products to help his dog with epilepsy, and it helped. I've also heard something about it helping with arthritis in dogs. It wouldn't hurt to try and see if it helps your dog!!!

Registered: 16-12-2020
Messages: 1
Evaluation : 0
16-12-2020 07:39
I'm facing a big choice right now. Should I try CBD on my dog, or not. But she's suffering so much! Does anyone know anything about this?

Registered: 16-12-2020
Messages: 1
Evaluation : 0
16-12-2020 07:53
I have studied this question. I would like to confirm my position that CBD is good for health, I have analyzed several articles and also reviewed the results of research. Well, what can I say, the results are really amazing. Did you know, for example, that CBD is now recommended for animals as well? For example <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}https://www.healthcanal.com/best-cbd-oil/dogs [healthcanal.com].  I would like to tell you more. Well, pet health trends come and go, but one of them is CBD oil for dogs. Cannabidiol or CBD is a compound derived from cannabis and cannabis plants. Although CBD does not contain THC, which gives marijuana its psychoactive properties, it provides many health benefits, especially for dogs. cbd oils and other cbd products have been proven to help from anxiety and arthritis to seizures, heart disease and cancer. I am Personally Struck by this fact, i hope i managed to convince you.
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