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Registered: 23-10-2019
Messages: 48
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30-09-2020 17:44
Last week I was discussing smoking thighs with a friend of mine from work and we got around to the pro's and con's of scraping the skin. In addition to being an avid hunter, by friend is also a trapper and he mentioned using a "fleshing spoon" (homemade tool used on small animal hides) for scraping his chicken skin. I was intrigued and a couple of days later he made one for me. For years a fillet knife and triangle paint scraper were my tools of choice. Anyways, I tried the spoon out this afternoon and really like it and thought I'd share this simple tool.

Registered: 23-10-2019
Messages: 48
Evaluation : 0
01-10-2020 07:57

Registered: 01-10-2020
Messages: 2
Evaluation : 0
01-10-2020 08:05
Different kind of tools are available in the market which provides the best option for the chopingor bending with the help of wrenching tools.I have tried to check the https://ratchetwrench.co/ratcheting-wrenches-types-and-options/ [ratchetwrench.co] site options where got best tools options and anyone can get the best quality of tools for loosing or tightening the bolts.
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