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Registered: 26-07-2020
Messages: 56
Evaluation : 4
08-08-2020 16:16
My aquariums became full of bristle worms
Where could they come from?

Registered: 09-08-2020
Messages: 1
Evaluation : 0
09-08-2020 11:46
Hey, it is not that bad actually. Bristle worms are good worms as compared to bobbit worms. Bristle Worms are a type of segmented worm that is generally viewed to be beneficial to a marine aquarium. Though when there are too much of them it is not that good. You should check out this site that I used when I found a bristle worm [arcreef.com] in my own aquarium. My friend who has had an amazing aquarium for a long time recommended me this site. Hope it helps!
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