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Registered: 04-07-2018
Messages: 248
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27-11-2019 03:37
Hello, guys. I wanna transfer some photos taken with iPhone 8 to my newly bought Huawei P30, but it's a little bit troublesome to me. Please help! ---- Alina
The high configuration of Huawei P30 certainly attracted many people to buy it, including some iPhone users. When we switch from iPhone to Huawei P30, we always worry about how to transfer files between iPhone and Huawei P30, especially pictures.
Take it easy. Here, on this page, we will focus on how to transfer photos from iPhone to Huawei P30 in two simple ways.
https://www.panfone.com/iphone/how-to-transfer-photos-from-iphone-to-huawei-p30.html [panfone.com]
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