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Registered: 31-12-2007
Messages: 7
Evaluation : 3
12-05-2008 10:49
Hi N95 owners,

I am considering buying a Nokia N95... please advice me on its plus and minus

Registered: 25-03-2008
Messages: 5
Evaluation : 3
12-05-2008 11:44
Well tans_05
If you have a lot of patience and can bear with a slow phone with a poor battery life then you can jump for this one!

Registered: 13-12-2007
Messages: 39
Evaluation : 13
12-05-2008 11:58
(1 user)
Hi Samira
Thanks. But i have heard from many people that this is a GREAT phone with fantastic features but they didnt mentioned about its battery life and speed!! now again i am not able to decide whether to go in for this or not :(

Registered: 08-01-2008
Messages: 91
Evaluation : 14
12-05-2008 12:02
Hi Smita
I think you can go in for N82 instead of N95 it is quite good one

Registered: 22-12-2007
Messages: 69
Evaluation : 14
12-05-2008 12:04
Why do you wnt to go in for N series??
Go in for some other, Actually N-seiers in a way is quote slow
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