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Registered: 31-12-2007
Messages: 5
Evaluation : 0
31-12-2007 07:09
hi! i wanted to know if anyone could help me with this..i am a programmer and would want to write an programme in C++ that would be able to send SMS from one phone to another similar brand one. how do i start with it?

Registered: 31-12-2007
Messages: 8
Evaluation : 4
31-12-2007 07:13
(1 user)
hi brooke! there are 2 starting references..

    1. use AT commands
    2. if its a symbian OS phone then it can use api and port applications.

Hope i have helped u some way :)

Registered: 31-12-2007
Messages: 5
Evaluation : 0
31-12-2007 07:14
Thanks camryn! up

Registered: 22-10-2011
Messages: 1
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22-10-2011 09:26
hi! i am having the sms code in HttpWebRequest class thru c# programming. Can anybody help me to give the posturl and its attributes to send the message thru phones.com, please it would be very useful to me to send the testing messages.
Thanking you

Registered: 08-06-2021
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08-06-2021 12:02
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