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Registered: 08-01-2008
Messages: 91
Evaluation : 14
19-05-2010 18:17
I want to gift a phone to my husband on his birthday and i am wondering as to which one to give him
I am confused between SE and HTC so please tell me which one is better help

Registered: 28-01-2010
Messages: 9
Evaluation : 0
21-05-2010 18:28
Both are good

Registered: 09-06-2010
Messages: 5
Evaluation : 0
09-06-2010 18:43
i will perfer HTC desire as being the smartphone today running Android operating system and basic intention of making calls is easy with this new smartphone.

Registered: 07-04-2010
Messages: 5
Evaluation : 0
26-06-2010 12:41
But what about screen of X10...No any competition about its high index of density of pixels per inch display which makes it perfect in all i.e while surfing web pages, to click or share photos and videos. It is simply best and amazing than Desire.
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